在“寄宿公寓”(2004 - 2008)系列,罗杰·拜伦拍摄了南非约翰内斯堡附近一个陌生而又神秘的地方。这里聚居着穷苦的劳工,逃犯,巫术师,小孩以及露宿街头的人们,还有流浪的动物和各类昆虫。这里到处是污秽的斑点和涂鸦,还有古怪的东西和神秘的图画。空气中到处弥漫着怪诞的气味和噪音。这组图片就像是梦境中的场景,充斥着丰富的细节和复杂的构象,引人注目,发人深思。为了展现他想要表达的内容,拜伦运用虚构的手法,通过改变场所感来展现寄宿公寓的每个房间和角落。整组作品强调了图片的绘画和雕像元素,清晰地表现出摄影师和他的主题之间的协作,从而使得“寄宿公寓”系列作品模糊了纪实摄影和其他艺术形式如艺术影院和雕塑之间的界线,使我们对眼前所见充满了疑问。
In the Boarding House project (2004 – 2008) Roger Ballen focuses on a strange and alluring place near Johannesburg. It is crowded with poor workers, transients, criminals hiding from the law, witchdoctors, children, pet animals and insects. There are stains and marks, curious objects and mysterious drawings, smells and noises everywhere. The photographs are like images from a waking dream, compelling and thought-provoking, formally sophisticated and filled with layers of rich detail. An element of fiction is essential to the way Ballen represents what he finds, and the rooms and corners of the Boarding House he shows us are characterized by an altered sense of place. With their emphasis on drawn and sculptural elements and the collaboration between the artist and his subjects clearly evident, the images in Boarding House blur the lines between documentary photography and art forms such as painting theatre and sculpture – they make us question everything we see.
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