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美拉尼西亚——美不胜收Melanesia – Islands of Diversity    2013-09-17 10:48:44 图片来源 :www.pip919.com
    摄影师:美国米歇尔·韦斯特莫兰(Michele Westmorland)

  展览名称:美拉尼西亚——美不胜收 Melanesia – Islands of Diversity





  Michele is a freelance photographer with a variety of photographic skills. Westmorland Images, LLC operates from her home in Redmond, Washington. Michele has created a vast library of imagery from around the world. Her commercial work is a large part of her portfolio and covers beautiful travel locations, resort properties and lifestyle. Michele is also a passionate conservation photographer and is proud to be a founding member of International League of Conservation Photographers. She has gained international recognition with her underwater and cultural photography.

  Michele is also a Fellow National of the prestigious Explorers Club, a member of the Society of Woman Geographers, Wings WorldQuest, ASMP and NANPA. She was recently inducted into the Women Diver’s Hall of Fame. Her imagery is widely published internationally. Her book “Ocean Duets” was published in 2006 and is focused on the beauty of the underwater world. A documentary film and book project, Headhunt Revisited, is currently in post-production.


  美拉尼西亚物产富饶,无与伦比,深深吸引着米歇尔·韦斯特莫兰。她曾28次来到这美丽的热带岛屿,来到巴布亚新几内亚,感受这里难以抗拒的迷人景色。每一次米歇尔扛着相机来这里拍摄,都会有新的体验。她认为,不仅丰富多样的海洋生物是一场视觉盛宴,这里的文化也具有其独特的魅力。陆地,海洋以及当地居民息息相关,成为不可分割的文化群体。米歇尔正是要通过展览“美拉尼西亚 –美不胜收”来表达自己对未来海洋环境以及保护文化多样性的关注。

  There is only one place in the world that has diversity so rich that it has drawn Michele Westmorland back 28 times. This area is known as Melanesia. The geographic territory is comprised of stunning tropical islands, such as Papua New Guinea, and provides a fascination that Michele cannot resist. Michele returns time and time again with camera in hand, and finds not only the marine life a visual treasure trove but the culture as well. The connection to land and sea, and all its inhabitants, is unmistakable. Michele’s illustrates her concern for the future of a healthy marine environment and the preservation of a proud and beautiful culture through her exhibition, Melanesia – Islands of Diversity.


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