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非洲印象    2013-09-17 10:51:14 图片来源 :www.pip919.com

 摄影师:格雷姆•威廉姆 Graeme Williams

1989年,格雷姆•威廉姆斯签约路透社,全程报道非洲国民大会的成立历程。 1991年,威廉姆斯拍摄了南非纪录片Afrapix,之后成为南摄影机构的创始人和管理者。80年代后期,威廉姆斯开始自己的摄影项目拍摄,并将展出的作品展出,发表。威廉姆斯还世界各地的多家出版物提供摄影作品, 展示南非地域风情和世界风采。
In 1989 Graeme Williams was contracted by Reuters to cover South Africa's transition to ANC rule. In 1991 he began to contribute his photographs to the Southern African documentary collective, Afrapix and later went on to become a founder member and manager of South Photographs Agency. Since the late 80s Williams have worked on his own photographic projects, at times exhibiting and publishing the completed works. He has staged solo exhibitions in Johannesburg, New York and Paris and has contributed to many combined exhibitions. Williams has also contributed to a number of publications showcasing photography in South Africa and around the world.

作品简介:巴卡以及当地锐减的森林 The Baka and their Shrinking Forest

刚果共和国土著居民巴卡族,是当地15个少数民族之一, 现在正面临两大威胁。他们曾在非洲中部的森林以狩猎和采集为生,由于商业伐木,传统栖息地被破坏;离开森林就意味着居无定所,贫困潦倒。
The Republic of Congo’s indigenous people, the country’s first inhabitants, are under threat. The Baka, one of 15 ethnic groups, who traditionally have lived as hunters and gathers in the forest of central Africa, confront two grave dangers. Their traditional habitat is under threat from commercial logging and when they do leave the forest, they are often left landless, impoverished and exploited.



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