摄影师:何伟权• 布莱恩 Ho Weiquan Bryan
布莱恩喜欢沉醉于黑暗的美丽中,探索有关性和性别的问题。丰富的个人经历给他带来了灵感,他将这些经历转化成苦乐参半的影像内容。他很享受剪辑抓拍照片的过程,常常能创造出超现实的影像作品。将平淡转化为离奇这一过程对他来说是一种宣泄。 Fascinated with the beauty in darkness, Bryan likes to explore the emotive facets of gender and sexuality. He is much inspired by his personal experiences of pain and joy and translates them into a myriad of bittersweet images. Trained in photography, Bryan relishes his time in editing captured moments to create images of the surreal. This process of transforming the prosaic to something more romantic allows him to go through a process of cathartic therapy.
作品简介:《无处哭诉的忧郁女子》Sympathy for the Melancholy Girl who couldn’t CRY
《无处哭诉的忧郁女子》是以自画像摄影方式拍摄的性学研究。作品中体现了性别逐渐被忽略,最终成为一种行为错觉的过程。该作品中所展示的这种女性形象并不能说明艺术家的风格,只是表达了作者的经历和感受。它更多体现了女性的温柔,而非男性的阳刚。该作品也揭示了性别的流动性。 Sympathy For The Melancholy Girl Who Couldn’t Cry is a study of sexuality through the medium of self-portrait photography. The work speaks of how gender becomes a performative illusion. This female persona shown in the work is not something that defines the artist but is an act that reveals and expresses his experiences and feelings that seem to embody femininity rather than masculinity. The work thus generates an awareness of the fluidity of gender.