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【pip盛宴】 那些我未曾了解的人 People I Don’t Know
   2016-09-09 10:20:47    来源:中国平遥国际摄影大展官网



  Curator:Kirk Cripens

  Photographers:Aline Smithson ,Ann M. Jastrab ,Luis Delgado







  In a curatorial exploration of love, connection, community and universal love, this exhibition focuses on the lesser known and considered aspects of the unknown person. It hints at our relationship with our fellow man, and these relationships form and deepen. The photographs become personal.

  Luis Delgado, Ann Jastrab and Aline Smithson approach their projects differently, but a theme reveals itself upon closer examination.

  Aline has found and re-imagined photographs by taking them into the present moment. She has re-photographed the photograph. She resubmitted the person for our examination. Despite the fact that neither she nor the audience knows anything about the person featured in her photographs, we are drawn to a sense of the personal. We learn and expand by witnessing.

  Ann Jastrab’s portfolio, perhaps the most intimate of the exhibition, draws on the past and present to shake the viewer with a sense of intense personal tension, paired with symbolic natural scenes. Taken as a whole we are drawn from image to image and in so traveling, we witness intimate love and it becomes strikingly personal.

  Luis Delgado collects and presents vernacular ephemera with a keen and finely curated approach.The audience is drawn into and then transported to another place and time. These photographs may not depict people we know, but they becomes personal none the less. We are left with a sense of connection and universal community, no matter whether or not the photographs are of people we know, or in this case do not.

  People I Don’t Know slides open a door so the audience can participate in past and present lives, opening a portal to the present and personal.


Aline Smithson

Ann Jastrab

Luis Delgado


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