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【pip盛宴】拉丁美洲女性摄影节精品展 Foto-Feminas
   2016-09-09 10:21:47    来源:中国平遥国际摄影大展官网


  摄影师:落蕾娜· 恩达拉、索朗热· 阿德姆 ·阿卜杜拉 、 凯伦·宝琳娜·比斯瓦尔、瓜达卢佩·瑞兹、保拉 ·阿布雷乌 ·皮塔、 乔安娜·托罗、贾丝明·巴卡拉兹、卡拉歇·葛彻、 法比奥拉·塞迪略、莱娜·斯赞凯、洛伦娜·马尔凯蒂、洛奇·莱昂

  Curator:Verónica Sanchis Bencomo

  Photographers:Lorena Endara ,Solange Adum Abdala,Karen Paulina Biswell ,Guadalupe_Ruiz, Paula Abreu Pita,JoanaToro,Jasmine Bakalarz ,Karla Gachet ,Fabiola Cedillo ,Lena Szankay ,Lorena Marchetti ,Rochi León






  Foto Fe?minas is a platform promoting the work of female Latin American and Caribbean photographers.

  The photographic representations of Latin America have been dominated by outsiders’ views on the continent, and most often those voices have been by men. I believe the local representations deserve equal attention. To counter the male dominated history of photography, the female photographic voices are worth highlighting in particular. This is the Foto Fe?minas mission.

  The twelve projects exhibited here are a selection of photographers that have been featured in Foto Feminas for the last two years, and whose works take us through different contemporary realities throughout Latin America. Each photographer is focusing on different locations sometimes their home country some others explore their neighboring countries.

  We invite our audience to reflect upon Latin America by looking at different narratives told through a variety of approaches such as; documentary, (self) portraiture, still life, conceptual and landscape practices hoping that your understanding of Latin America is challenged. Latin America encompasses an extensive geography integrated by many different backgrounds, religions and landscape charged with humane stories.


Lorena Endara


Solange Adum

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