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   2016-09-09 10:31:20    来源:中国平遥国际摄影大展官网
【pip盛宴】奥克兰摄影节——人类映像 Auckland Festival of Photography - Ata Te Tangata 

  策展人: 罗珊娜·雷蒙德

  摄影师:西里加·萨托加、特里 ·克莱文斯、坦盟·加戈、安·汤加、格兰特·阿皮亚加、琳达·T、雷蒙德·萨加波鲁特尔、罗司·弗拉特、丽萨·蕾哈娜、艾米丽·马菲尔、帕蒂 ·蒂雷儿·所罗门娜、娜塔莉·鲁滨孙

  Curator : Rosanna Raymond

  Photographers:Siliga Setoga, Terry Klavenes, Tanu Gago, Ane Tonga, Grant Apiata, Linda T, Raymond Sagapolutele, Russ Flatt, Lisa Reihana, Emily Mafile'o, Pati Tyrell Solomona, Natalie Robertson





  The Auckland Festival of Photography is the only photography Festival in New Zealand and is a founding member of the Asia Pacific Photoforum. Support for emerging, mid-career and major New Zealand photographers is one of the essential aims of the Festival. This exhibition, Ata Te Tangata , has been specifically curated for the Pingyao International Photography Festival.

  Ata Te Tangata is a survey show focusing on current practice by photographers of Māori and Pacific descent from Aotearoa NZ. The people and landscape of the Pacific have been viewed and constructed by the lens of the West since first contact; photography played a huge part in contributing to the visual mythology that defined the Pacific body, the land and ocean.

  Ata Te Tangata redefines the gaze, the person behind the lens is genealogically and geographically a part of the community. They are portraying allowing for more nuanced representations, reflecting the world around them. Their images tell a multitude of stories, bringing to light the people and landscapes of a contemporary Polynesian experience unique to Aotearoa NZ.


西里加·萨托加Siliga Setoga

特里 ·克莱文斯 Terry Klavenes

  坦盟·加戈 Tanu Gago


  安·汤加 Ane Tonga

  格兰特·阿皮亚加 Grant Apiata

  拉斯·弗洛特 Russ Flatt

  丽萨·蕾哈娜 Lisa Reihana

  艾米丽·马菲尔 Emily Mafile'o

  帕蒂 ·蒂雷儿·所罗门娜 Peti Tyrell Solomona

琳达·T Linda T

娜塔莉· 鲁滨孙 Natalie Robertson

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