策展人:唐·潘尼 摄影师:唐·潘尼、丹尼尔·舒曼、吉拉尔德·普赖尔、杰西卡·利伯曼、唐梦 Curator: Don Penny Photographers: Don Penny, Daniel Schumann, Gerald Pryor, Jessica Libeman, Tang Meng
策展前言: “记忆”记录下我们生活中那些难忘的、独一无二的,富有个人主观情感的情景和瞬间。对于摄影师以及视觉艺术家而言,是主题、地点、光线、色彩、色度、结构以及情感相互融合,促使他们捕捉、保存并且唤起那些饱含记忆的画面。适时地把一个特殊的地点和瞬间联系起来,无论它是真实还是虚构,是伟大还是平凡,这种联系都会通过记忆被铭记、保存并且分享。 “Memory” captures the autobiographical, personal, emotional, unique, and memorable moments and events in our lives. As photographers and as visual artists, it is context, the interplay of subject, location, light, color, texture, hue, and emotion that drives us to capture, store, preserve, and recall images that fuel memories. Connections to a special place and moment in time, whether real or imagined, significant or ordinary, are remembered, saved, and shared through “Memory.”
Daniel Schumann 丹尼尔·舒曼
G Pryor吉拉尔德·普赖尔
Jessica Liebman杰西卡·利伯曼
Meng Tang 唐梦